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Workforce Restructuring in M&A: Best Practices

Written by OBN& | Jul 11, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Workforce restructuring during mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is a critical yet intricate process that can significantly impact the success of the transition

Proper planning, legal compliance, effective communication, talent retention, and humane management of layoffs are essential components that ensure smooth integration and maintain business continuity.

This article delves into the best practices for managing these workforce changes, providing a comprehensive guide for businesses to navigate the complexities of M&A successfully.

By following these guidelines, companies can mitigate risks, maintain employee morale, and achieve their strategic objectives.


Planning for workforce changes

The foundation of successful workforce restructuring lies in thorough planning. Here are key steps to consider:

  1. Assess Current Workforce: Begin by evaluating the existing workforce to identify redundancies and gaps. This involves understanding the skills, roles, and performance of employees. 

  2. Define Business Objectives: Align the workforce restructuring plan with the overall business strategy and M&A objectives. This ensures that the restructuring supports long-term goals.

  3. Develop a Restructuring Plan: Create a detailed plan that outlines the steps for restructuring, including timelines, resources needed, and key milestones. This plan should address potential challenges and contingencies.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is crucial during workforce restructuring. In Spain, the Plan General de Contabilidad (PGC) includes key regulations such as the Registration and valuation standards (NRV) 19 and 21, which are essential for managing these changes.

  1. NRV 19 - Business Combinations: This rule covers the accounting for mergers and acquisitions, including the recognition and valuation of acquired assets and liabilities. It ensures that the financial aspects of the workforce restructuring are accurately reflected in the company’s accounts.
  2. NRV 21 - Transactions Between Group Companies: This standard addresses the accounting treatment for transactions between companies within the same group. It ensures that such transactions are recorded consistently and transparently, reflecting the true financial position of the group.

By adhering to these regulations, businesses can ensure legal compliance, avoid penalties, and maintain financial transparency during the M&A process. Consulting with legal experts familiar with these regulations is highly recommended to navigate the complexities effectively.


Communication Strategies

Effective communication is critical during workforce restructuring to manage employee expectations and maintain morale. Here are best practices for communication:

  1. Develop a Communication Plan: Create a plan that outlines what information will be communicated, when, and how. Ensure that all stakeholders are informed, including employees, managers, and external partners.

  2. Be Transparent: Provide clear and honest information about the restructuring process, including the reasons behind it and the expected impact on employees. Transparency builds trust and reduces uncertainty.

  3. Two-Way Communication: Encourage feedback and questions from employees. Address their concerns promptly and provide support where needed.


Retaining Key Talent

Retaining key talent is essential for business continuity and success post-M&A. Strategies for retaining top employees include:

  1. Identify Key Employees: Determine which employees are critical to the success of the organization. This includes those with unique skills, leadership potential, and institutional knowledge.

  2. Offer Incentives: Develop retention packages that include financial incentives, career development opportunities, and other benefits. These incentives help keep key employees engaged and committed.

  3. Engage and Motivate: Regularly communicate with key employees to understand their needs and motivations. Provide opportunities for growth and ensure they feel valued.


Managing Layoffs and Transitions

Layoffs are often an unavoidable part of workforce restructuring. Managing this process humanely and professionally is crucial:

  1. Plan Layoffs Carefully: Identify which positions will be eliminated and develop a timeline for layoffs. Ensure that the process is fair and transparent.

  2. Provide Support: Offer support to affected employees through severance packages, outplacement services, and counseling. This helps them transition to new opportunities and maintains goodwill.

  3. Maintain Morale: Communicate with remaining employees to address their concerns and provide reassurance. Explain how the restructuring will benefit the organization and outline the path forward.


Workforce restructuring during mergers and acquisitions is a delicate balance between strategic objectives and human considerations. Effective planning, compliance with legal standards, clear communication, retention of key talent, and humane management of layoffs are essential to navigating this complex process. By following the best practices outlined in this article, businesses can mitigate risks, maintain employee morale, and ultimately achieve their strategic goals.


Navigating the workforce restructuring process during M&A can be challenging, but with careful planning and execution, it can lead to successful integration and a stronger, more unified organization. Remember, the key lies in balancing strategic imperatives with empathy and transparency. By doing so, you not only ensure business continuity but also foster a positive work environment that can thrive long after the merger or acquisition is complete.